新关注 > 信息聚合 > Gametrics:2016年6月韩国网吧《守望先锋》占有..


Gametrics: 2016 Nian Yue Korea Internet. 6 "Watch pioneer" possession ..

2016-06-21 21:06:06来源: 199IT


Blizzard FPS masterpiece "Rye Pioneer" since May 24 on the hot line for all to see, according to Gametrics latest authoritative data, the current "Watch Pioneer 'share has reached 29.36 percent, the official beyond the" Heroes Union ", boarded Korea Internet game list. "Heroes Union" since 2012, beat out "Sword Spirit", the rule of Korea Internet for up to 202 weeks long, not even a game can share gap ...

标签: 守望先锋