新关注 > 信息聚合 > 创造基于现有IP的游戏的10大建议


10 suggestions for creating games based on existing IP

2016-06-21 15:34:53来源: 游戏邦

在过去3年里iLogos一直在为艺电和Rovio等大型发行商开发基于现有IP的游戏。我们工作室的输出内容包括一些初创项目,受雇去创造的内容以及基于现有IP的创造。现在我们在7个办公地点中共有超过300名雇员,我们也可以灵活地基于不同安排去致力于更多不同的游戏中。 虽然基于现有的IP进行...

Over the past 3 years, iLogos has been developing games based on existing IP for large issuers such as art and Rovio. The output of our studio includes a number of start-ups, the content that is employed to create and the creation based on the existing IP. Now we have more than 300 employees in 7 office locations, and we can also be flexible to work on more different games based on different arrangements. Although it is based on the existing IP.

标签: 游戏