新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《强力9号》6月21日登陆北美和亚洲地区 IGN评分..

《强力9号》6月21日登陆北美和亚洲地区 IGN评分..

The powerful 9 June 21 land in North America and Asia IGN score..

2016-06-21 17:09:34来源: 07073游戏网


After many jump ticket and extension, the powerful 9 on June 21, 2016 officially land in North America and Asia. 9 "strong" is a produced by famous game producer rice ship worship two leading horizontal version of the shooting game, rice ship keiji works in ghosts practitioners, lost planet and rock series. Its "strong 9" ship is rice keiji COMCAP departure after the first horizontal version of the action game! Is also the continuation of the rock...