新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《我叫MT3》10万张京东电影票免费送


"My name is MT3 100000 Zhang Jingdong movie tickets free of charge

2016-06-03 11:51:18来源: 爱拍游戏

据可靠消息,卓越游戏为满足公司新作《我叫MT3》玩家们观看魔兽大电影的愿望,筹备了一次大型观影活动。随着魔兽大电影的隆重上映,《我叫MT3》也将送出10万张京东电影票。 《我叫MT3》“点卡服”测试进行中,回归公平的游戏环境,开放的自由交易,屌丝也能逆袭土豪! 在点卡服中,取消了符石...

According to reliable sources, excellence to meet the company's new game "my name is MT3" desire to watch the movie of warcraft players, preparing for a big movie. As the big movie grand show of warcraft, "my name is MT3 will send 100000 Zhang Jingdong tickets to the theatre. "My name is MT3" "point card" in the test, return to fair game environment, open to free trade, prick silk can counter attack local tyrants! In the point card clothing, cancelled the runes...

标签: 电影 京东