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《轩辕剑之天之痕》登顶App Store付费榜 获苹果..

"Online of xuanyuan sword" list of top paid App Store by apple. The.

2016-04-15 12:15:14来源: 一游网

4月14日,由盖娅互娱携手大宇资讯联合开发的经典仙侠手游《轩辕剑之天之痕》正式登陆App Store,并登顶App Store中国区iPhone付费下载榜首。今天,《轩辕剑之天之痕》又以经典的IP与精良品质的完美结合获得App Store精品推荐,成为盖娅互娱继《自由之战》后第三款被Ap...

On April 14, developed jointly by gaia and entertainment to daewoo information of classic XianXia mobile game, "online the xuanyuan sword" officially hit the App Store, App Store and the summit's iPhone downloads list. Today, "online of xuanyuan sword" and with the classical IP and the perfect combination of high-quality products for the App Store products recommended, as gaia mutual entertainment after the war of freedom 3 be Ap...

标签: 苹果 APP