新关注 > 信息聚合 > 零抽成返还手续费 花椒直播搭建免费直播平台

零抽成返还手续费 花椒直播搭建免费直播平台

Zero to return the fees Chinese prickly ash live free live platform

2016-03-18 19:31:19来源: 慧聪网


With the development of Internet, mobile video live more and more popular. Chinese prickly ash live since its launch, has 30 million registered users, both stars and ordinary people, as long as a mobile phone can be the host, and interaction with the exchange of people, also can borrow on the "get rich". With other live by charging high smoke into different platform, Chinese prickly ash live as a zero, even 10% of the handling fee will be returned to the user by activity, is a real...

标签: 直播