新关注 > 信息聚合 > 肥猫互娱牵手多家卫视打造游戏泛娱乐新格局


Fat cats and several electronic game pan entertainment TV entertainment in hand

2016-03-18 18:33:03来源: 安卓中文网

2016年3月18日,玩略猫于北京召开发布会,兄弟公司肥猫互娱正式携手中广天择、山东卫视、V电影新片场迈入电竞圈。 中广天择传媒股份有限公司成立于2007年4月,系长沙广播电视集团绝对控股的国有文化企业,是一家电视、互联网和移动互联网视频等内容的制作、发行和营销商;同时也是一直拥有每...

On March 18, 2016, the conference held in Beijing to play a little cat, brothers fat cat entertainment officially hand in hand each film widely in natural selection, shandong satellite TV, V e-sports circle into the new field. Widely in natural selection media co., LTD. Was established in April 2007, the department of changsha, radio and television group, absolute holding state-owned cultural enterprises, is a television, the Internet and mobile Internet content such as video production, distribution and marketers; At the same time also has always had each...

标签: 游戏