新关注 > 信息聚合 > 周杰伦组建MRJ战队 周董带队参加台湾LOL表演赛视..

周杰伦组建MRJ战队 周董带队参加台湾LOL表演赛视..

Jay Chou MRJ clan Jay for performance of Taiwan LOL see..

2016-03-18 15:46:59来源: TechWeb

新浪游戏讯 11月30日消息,参加完大陆地区《英雄联盟》嘉年华之后,周杰伦日前又现身台湾华山《英雄联盟》电竞嘉年华,并正式宣布与多位前电竞选手所组成的杰艺文创合作打造MRJ战队,进军电竞圈。目前战队正在物色适合的选手,新战队最快有望在新赛季LMS春季赛上亮相。 周杰伦现身与曾拿下《英雄...

Sina game - November 30, attending the mainland after the carnival "hero alliance", jay Chou has reemerged huashan e-sports carnival "hero alliance" in Taiwan, and officially announced and electric campaign before hand jie wen gen cooperation create MRJ team, composed of e-sports circle. The current team is looking for suitable for players, new LMS fastest team is expected to be in the new season debut in the spring. Jay Chou appeared to have had the hero...

标签: LOL