新关注 > 信息聚合 > 海量新玩法 《三剑豪》两周年新版“任我逍遥”上线

海量新玩法 《三剑豪》两周年新版“任我逍遥”上线

Massive new play "three jian hao" second anniversary of the new term I free and unfettered "online

2016-03-18 16:17:44来源: 不凡游戏网

今日,由风际游戏打造、乐逗游戏运营的经典3D武侠手游《三剑豪》迎来两周年盛典,全新版本“任我逍遥”今日震撼上线,新职业、新副本、新战场、新侠客、新玩法等多重全新内容华丽登场,更有精彩周年庆活动送福利,诚邀江湖各路大侠共同庆生! 新职业“逍遥”登场,妖魅俊俏颜值高 为庆贺《三剑豪》...

Today, the wind the operation of the game and music to amuse game classic 3 d martial arts mobile game "three jian hao" celebrating the second anniversary celebration, the new version "term I free and unfettered" shock launched today, new jobs, a copy of the new, new battlefield, new paladin multiple new content, new gameplay luxuriant appearance, more wonderful anniversary activity benefits, we sincerely invite jianghu each warrior birthday together! A new career "easy", demon spirit's handsome appearance level is high To celebrate the three jianhao...