新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2016年最新主流手游渠道合作对接人汇总 附联系方式

2016年最新主流手游渠道合作对接人汇总 附联系方式

2016 latest mainstream mobile games channel partners who butt summary attached Information

2016-01-29 23:52:27来源: 新浪

十年人事几番新。在经历过年尾离职、入职潮以后,相信很多同学手中的渠道资源也发生了不少的变化。特整理了一份2016年最新手游渠道合作对接人及联系方式大全,希望能帮助各位发行以及CP的同学们。(排名不分先后,以下信息均来源于各渠道官网)App Store 审核相关:邮箱:AppReview...

Repeated ten new personnel. After leaving the end of the New Year, after the entry tide, I believe that many students in the hands of channel resources has also undergone a lot of changes. A 2016 special finishing hand newest swim docking channel partners people and Information Daquan, hoping to help you release and CP classmates. (In alphabetical order, the following information is derived from the official website of each channel) App Store review Related: E-mail: AppReview ...

标签: 手游