新关注 > 信息聚合 > 诚意之作《怪物猎人X》评测:大胆革新不忘传统


Sincerity "monster hunter X review: don't forget the traditional bold innovation

2015-12-02 18:03:13来源: 新浪

《怪物猎人》系列转眼已走过11个年头,其间CAPCOM也在不断的求新求变。3代加入水战,4代加入场景高低差,而这一次的《怪物猎人X》更是在没发售之前,就给人留下了“变革”的深刻印象。前所未有的一次推出了4只代表性封面怪,为每种武器加入了四种完全不同的狩猎风格,加入猫猫猎人模式等等。 在...

The monster hunter series had gone through 11 years, during which CAPCOM is constantly pursuing new and change, too. Three generations to join the war, four generations to join the scene height difference, and this time the monster hunter X is before didn't sell, give people left a deep impression of "change". Unprecedented once launched four representative cover only blame, for each weapon joined the four kinds of different style of hunting, to join the cat cat hunter model and so on. In the...

标签: 怪物猎人