新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《星际战甲》主机版荣膺2015金翎奖 国服天启者特..

《星际战甲》主机版荣膺2015金翎奖 国服天启者特..

"Star war a" console version was awarded the 2015 Jin Ling award of Tianqi clothing characteristic..

2015-11-17 12:20:29来源: 电玩巴士

由老牌主机游戏工作室Digital Extremes历时多年打造,完美世界代理的3A级科幻第三人称射击网游《星际战甲》主机版,荣膺2015年度金翎奖“玩家最期待的家用机游戏”。被业内誉为游戏界“奥斯卡”之称的金翎奖以其评选的权威性和公正性在行业内饱受认同,随着近几年国内游戏产业类型逐渐完...

by the old host game studio digital extremes lasted for many years to build, perfect world agent class 3A science fiction third person shooting game "star war a" console version, awarded 2015 Jin Ling Award "most players look forward to the console game." By the industry known as the game industry "Oscar," said Jin Ling award to authority and impartiality of the vote in the industry suffered from identity, as in recent years, the domestic game industry gradually after...

标签: 星际战甲