新关注 > 信息聚合 > “终身包邮”引高关注 《龙门镖局》手游大福利来袭

“终身包邮”引高关注 《龙门镖局》手游大福利来袭

"Lifelong mail" high concern "dragon biaoju" tour started welfare struck

2015-10-30 11:03:14来源: 电玩巴士


10 month 29, the Dragon biaoju tour an Android, IOS double ended beta, big movement swept the country. Official first proposed "dragon escort, lifelong bag mail" promise, with their own advantages of IP and product characteristics of openly challenge the three-way; and the rapid introduction of "dragon biaoju" travel app, for game users provide free travel services, expand the "lifelong bag mail; finally exposure" dragon biaoju "land, sea and air luxury logistics line, to the public display...

标签: 手游