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《补天志》把妹姿势 游戏宅必看的脱单指南

The annals of mending the sky the sister game poses house must see off guide

2015-10-23 11:39:00来源: 电玩巴士

距双11还有半个多月,各大电商就已经开始发动猛攻了,除了提醒剁手党备好假肢之外,对单身汪们释放的DOT将累积成吨虚区。作为一枚游戏宅,如何脱离单身苦海解放右手?来跟《补天志》老司机学学正确的把妹姿势吧。 第一招:四处留心 当你初入《补天志》游戏,在主线任务的过程中,随时留意下附近...

from double 11 and a half months, the major electricity supplier has already begun stormed, in addition to remind hand chop party prepared prosthesis, to single Wang men, release the dot will accumulate into tons of virtual region. As a gold game house, and how to escape the single Oliver liberation right? With "mending heaven records older drivers learn to correct the sister posture. The first one: pay around when you entering the "sky" of game, in the process of the main task, always be near...

标签: 游戏