新关注 > 信息聚合 > 主机成MMO新阵地?《狂野星球》或登陆PS4/XONE


Host to a new position in the MMO? "Wild Planet" or landing PS4/XONE

2015-10-21 14:49:21来源: 电玩巴士

主机成MMO新阵地?《狂野星球》或登陆PS4/XONE 日前,上月刚进行了欧美年度版本更新的欧美卡通MMORPG《狂野星球》(Wildstar)的负责人Mike Donatelli在接受Gamespot采访时称,将这款重新焕发生机的客户端网游移植到主机平台上“看起来非常有搞头。”(s...

host into a new position in the MMO? "Wild Planet" or landing PS4/XONE recently, last month was just responsible for a renewal of Europe and the United States annual version of American cartoon MMORPG "Wild Planet" Wildstar Mike Donatelli said in an interview with gamespot, this re revitalized the client online transplantation to host platform "looks very to engage the head." (s...

标签: PS PS4