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一次游戏只有一条命 不能复活的FPS网游One Life

From the game the birth of a game only lives not resurrection of the FPS online games one Life

2015-10-21 12:31:52来源: 新浪

从游戏诞生的那一刻起,不断重复游玩似乎是游戏必须具有的要素,虽然也会有很少游戏不能接关或者复活角色,不过由独立游戏开发商Kefir!开发的《One Life》中,只要玩家操作的角色死亡,那么你将永远不能再次进入这款游戏! 《One Life》是一款真正意义上的生存模拟游戏,在游戏当中...

of that a moment, repeated play seems to be elements of a game must have the, although there will be little game can't take off or revive a character, but by independent game developer kefir! Development of "one life", as long as the death of internationally operating character, then you will never again enter the game! "Life One" is a real sense of the survival of the game, in the game...

标签: 游戏 PS 网游