新关注 > 信息聚合 > 梦三国手游太公兵法有什么用 太公兵法怎么得

梦三国手游太公兵法有什么用 太公兵法怎么得

The dream of the three Mobile Games art of war and what is the use of art of war how

2015-10-21 15:03:16来源: 4399

梦三国手游太公兵法有什么用?梦三国手游太公兵法怎么获得? 太公兵法介绍: 太公兵法是给英雄升级使用的道具,对英雄使用后可获得300点经验值。 兵法,英雄读兵法可增加经验。 太公兵法获取: 可以在寻访中抽取,副本关卡也会掉落,另外在礼包中也可以获得。

dream three Mobile Games art of war have what use? The dream of the three Mobile Games art of war and how do I get? Art of War: the art of war is to upgrade the use of props, the hero can get 300 experience points. The art of war hero, read the art of war can increase experience. Art of War: access can be taken in search, a copy of the checkpoint will drop, also in the package can also be obtained.

标签: 手游