新关注 > 信息聚合 > 猩猩助手安卓模拟器独家支持虚荣Vainglory


Gorilla assistant Ann Zhuo simulator exclusive support vanity Vainglory

2015-10-21 13:59:13来源: 电玩巴士

虚荣是一款暴力的幻想题材MOBA游戏,频频斩获国际大奖,风靡海外。在这款游戏由巨人网络代理引入中国的第一时间,目前猩猩助手(http://www.xxzs.tv/)安卓模拟器独家对《虚荣Vainglory》手游电脑版的完美适配,刮起一股虚荣小旋风。 这款游戏可谓MOBA手游史上绝无仅...

vanity is a violent fantasy themes MoBa, frequently gains international awards. Popular overseas. In the game by the giant network agent into China for the first time, the Android simulator orangutan assistant (http://www.xxzs.tv/) exclusive of "vanity Vainglory" hand tour of the PC version of the perfect adaptation, blowing a stream of small vanity cyclone. This game is not only the history of MOBA Mobile Games...

标签: 安卓 AI