新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新浪游戏独家曝光《武魂2》新版本全门派觉醒演示


Sina Game exclusive exposure the Wuhun 2, "a new version of the whole martial art awakening demonstration

2015-10-15 10:24:26来源: 新浪

全新战争模式,四年终极力量觉醒!网易旗下全息真实动作网游《武魂2》近日上线新版本“掠战四海”,版本更新后其重磅新内容“觉醒系统”也掀开神秘面纱,真实战斗体验体验全维度升级。 【动态流光技术 新视觉震撼冲击】 新版本的觉醒系统运用了全新独创的动态流光技术,对游戏的画面质感有了颠覆性的...

new war mode, four years ultimate awakening of strength! Netease's holographic real action games "Wuhun 2" recently launched a new version of "grazing war Sihai", after an updated version of its blockbuster new content "awakening system but also opened a mysterious veil, real combat experience experience the full dimensions of the upgrade. The new version of the new version of the new version of the dynamic streamer technology, the screen texture of the game has been subversive...

标签: 游戏