新关注 > 信息聚合 > 内测即将开启 《村长打天下》首曝三大无下限设定

内测即将开启 《村长打天下》首曝三大无下限设定

Online will soon open the village to make the world "first exposed to the three major no limit set

2015-10-15 10:15:31来源: 新浪

魔性新SLG页游来袭,4399《村长打天下》本周将开启留档内测!测试前夕,游戏也首次曝光了三大无下限设定:自由建造无下限,英雄招募无下限,城池掠夺无下限!游戏以超高的自由度沙盒式玩法,穿越古今招募全世界武将,更能扮演“土皇帝”,建村庄,抢土地,平天下! 和村长一起打天下:http:/...

magic new SLG page swim struck, 4399 the village head to make the world" this week will open the file is closed. On the eve of the test, games for the first time exposure of the three major no limit setting: free construction without limit, heroes to recruit without limit, plundering the city no limit! Game with super high degrees of freedom sandbox style game, through the ancient and modern recruit generals all over the world, play a "tyrant", built villages, land grabs, flat world! And the village head to fight the world: http:/...