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暴雪公布《守望先锋》测试时间 真的来了!

Blizzard announced the watch pioneer "test time has really come!

2015-10-15 10:15:31来源: 17173

【17173编译报道】 北京时间10月15日,暴雪公布了《守望先锋》的测试时间,该游戏将于10月27日在美洲地区开启封闭性测试,初期只有小部分玩家参与内测,之后会邀请更多的玩家逐渐加入到测试阶段。 美洲地区开启测试后,欧洲地区也会即将开启测试,亚洲地区开启测试的时间位于欧洲之后。...

[17173 compiled] reported the Beijing standard time on October 15, Blizzard announced the" watch pioneer "at the time of the test, the game will be on October 27 in the Americas to open the closed test, the initial only small points internationally participate in closed beta, will invite more players gradually added to the test phase. After the opening of the Central American region, the European region will soon open the test, the Asian region to open the test time is located in europe. ...

标签: 暴雪 守望先锋