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乱斗西游2新篝火boss上线 有种你打的再快些

Scuffle Westward Journey 2 new fire boss line is a kind of hit you again soon some

2015-10-15 11:29:52来源: 4399

乱斗西游2的玩家随着玩家等级日益高涨~~乱斗西游2的工作人员们为了对付战力飙升的玩家,篝火boss们也在努力变得越来越厉害! 96-100等级段篝火夜话新boss隆重登场:“我们就是来挨打的,有种你打的再快些啊~” 1. 81-90等级段篝火boss延伸到81-95级,boss机制和...

scuffle swims on the west 2 players with the player's level rising ~ ~ scuffle Westward Journey 2 staff have to deal with combat power surge of internationally, bonfire bosses also in an effort to become more and more severe. 96-100 level segment bonfire Nocturne new boss grand debut: "we are beaten, you play faster! ~" 1. 81 - 90 level segment bonfire boss extends to 81-95 level, boss and mechanism.