新关注 > 信息聚合 > 9月26日约吗《赤壁之战》新服震撼开启


September 26, about? "The battle of Chibi" new service shocked to open

2015-09-22 17:22:45来源: 新浪

2015发烧级国战网游《赤壁之战》与你相约中秋,9月26日中午14:00新服震撼开启。《赤壁之战》主打国战玩法,有攻城战,边境冲突战,地下夺旗战等等17种国战玩法。充满三国风情的场景和人物,酷炫的技能,美丽的时装让玩家爱不释手。 新服名称:三顾茅庐 开启时间:9月26日 14点 ...

2015 level have a fever in war game "battle of Red Cliff" and you meet autumn. At noon on September 26 14:00 new service shocked to open. "Chibi" flagship in war games, a siege, border skirmish, underground encounter 17 country war games and so on. The three style full of scenes and characters, cool skills, let the game player love beautiful fashion. The new service name: opening time: September 26th 14 to call on sb. repeatedly...