新关注 > 信息聚合 > 突击英雄新英雄 星瞳或成爆破第一女

突击英雄新英雄 星瞳或成爆破第一女

Assault Heroes Heroes star pupil or on 17 months of blasting first female

2015-09-18 18:39:06来源: 新浪

9月17日,网易全英雄射击网游《突击英雄》推出了一位大家期待已久的新英雄——星瞳。出身于军人世家的星瞳是一位冷艳的女杀手,拥有超限武器电磁流星SG1。小编在体验了一番后发现星瞳着实很强大。那她到底强在哪里?在各个模式下表现如何呢?小编现在就带大家先睹为快。 【英雄技能和升级】 星...

9 Netease Shooting Heroes online games "assault heroes launched a long-awaited new hero, the star pupil. Born in a military family star pupil is a glamorous woman killer, has overrun SG1 meteor electromagnetic weapons. Small series in the experience of a star pupil really very strong. Where is she? How do you do it in all the models? Xiao Bian now will take you to be all eagerness to see it. [hero skills and upgrade] star...