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《最终幻想15》女主现身 TGS2015首日新闻汇总

The final fantasy 15 women appeared TGS2015 first day news summary

2015-09-17 17:24:10来源: 新浪

东京电玩展2015(TGS2015)在今天(9月17日)正式拉开大幕。经过了15日和16日两场索尼PlayStation发布会的狂轰乱炸,TGS2015首日依旧有海量新鲜游戏资讯公开,电玩君就带大家一口气都看完。 SquareEnix也带来了《最终幻想15》的最新消息,公开了一段名为...

Tokyo Game Show 2015 TGS2015 today (September 17) officially opened the curtain. After the heavy bombing of 15 and 16, two Sony Playstation conference, the first day of the TGS2015 still massive fresh game information disclosure, gaming, the king will take you breath read. SquareEnix also brought the latest news of the final fantasy 15, a section called...

标签: 最终幻想