新关注 > 信息聚合 > LOL那些被吹上天的新英雄 现在都削成狗了!

LOL那些被吹上天的新英雄 现在都削成狗了!

LOL the new heroes that were blown up in heaven now have to be cut to a dog! Recently, the

2015-09-17 17:24:10来源: 东北网

近日,随着新英雄永恒猎手Kindred的登场,无数人又坐不住了,因为这个新英雄表现出来的能力太过凶残,4秒屠杀大龙,7秒斩杀小龙,各种1打4,1打5,各种极限反杀,各种大招保命逆转局势。这样熟悉的味道仿佛就发生在昨天一样... 没错,所有新英雄出生都是这个节奏,不OP怎么忽悠你来玩?...

, with debut of the new hero eternal Hunter kindred, countless people and sit don't live the, because the performance of this new hero ability too brutal, 4 seconds slaughter dragon, 7 seconds to slay dragons, a dozen 4,1 hit 5, various extreme anti kill, all ultimate life insurance to reverse the situation. This is familiar with the taste as if it happened yesterday as... Yes, all new heroes are born this rhythm, not OP how do you play? ...

标签: LOL