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大话西游手游IOS版本预下载开放 苹果有福

Big west travel version of the IOS pre download open Apple blessed

2015-09-09 16:54:45来源: 4399

大话西游手游说好的9月10日开测,但是游戏已经上架app商店了,可以进行预下载。首批开放的是4台“天界”服务器。 9月10日中午11点,服务器正式开启后,玩家即可在以上服务器畅爽体验《大话西游》手游、感受情义江湖的独特魅力。 大话西游手游IOS版本下载地址:http://i.4399....

Westward Journey tour said on September 10th open test, but the game has been on the shelves app store, can be pre download. The first opening is 4 sets of "heaven" server. September 10, 11 o'clock noon, after the official opening of the server, players can be in more server smooth cool experience "boast swims on the west" tour, feel the unique charm of the friendship of rivers and lakes. Westward Journey Mobile Games IOS version download address: http://i.4399....