新关注 > 信息聚合 > 龙与地下城规则新游《剑湾传奇》PAX展提供试玩


New dungeons and Dragons rules of travel "Tales of the Sword Coast" Pax exhibition provides trial Sina

2015-08-31 14:26:08来源: 新浪

来自国外媒体的消息,《剑湾传奇》将在今年的PAX Prime游戏展上进行展出,而这也是这款游戏进行的首次游戏试玩。 据了解,这款游戏为玩家提供了全新的游戏玩法,通过使用即时的DM模式将玩家与地下城大师的玩法结合在了一起。如果玩家按耐不住自己的热情,想要第一手时间体验这款游戏那么请到P...

news from the foreign media, "Tales of the Sword Coast" will in this year's Pax prime game show on display, and this is the game the first game demo. It is understood that this game provides players with a new game play, through the use of real-time DM mode to the players and the master of the dungeon is a combination of. If the player is unable to bear their own enthusiasm, you want the first time to experience the game then please P...