新关注 > 信息聚合 > 正义的荣光 《勇者盟约》勋章系统火爆开启

正义的荣光 《勇者盟约》勋章系统火爆开启

The glory of justice Medal of the brave treaty system popular open wheel of history of

2015-08-31 14:26:08来源: 新浪


roll forward, the glory of justice from generation to generation, when armored cavalry soldiers or seventy years old or in the land, but their eternal spirit to pass. Their medal flashing a golden light. We pay tribute to the warriors of justice, the spirit of the hero for them and immortality, we have to pay tribute to the mottled medal after years, the memory of history because of their heavy. The rusty and shining medal, has gone through blood and even life...