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The fairy Sigil walkthrough topics: how to upgrade the soul bone

2015-08-31 14:26:08来源: 新浪

在大黑游戏《仙魔诀》中,玩家通过魂骨升级可以获得攻击、防御、生命三大属性加成。魂骨等级越高,玩家所获得的收益便越多,而魂骨升级具体的该如何操作呢?下面,就让我们一起去看看《仙魔诀》魂骨升级攻略吧! 魂骨系统介绍 在游戏中,我们可以为头盔、项链、护腕、衣服、戒指、玉佩、腰带、武器、...

in big black game "immortal Sigil", the player through a soul bone upgrade three attributes of attack and defense, life can be. The higher the level of the soul, the more you get the player, and the soul of the bone to upgrade the specific how to operate it? Now, let's go to have a look "immortal soul" upgrade Raiders bone sigil! The soul of the bone system is introduced in the game, we can for helmets, necklaces, cuff, clothes, ring, pendant, belts, weapons,...