新关注 > 信息聚合 > LOL非主流AP辅助TOP4,不走寻常路也能Carry队友


Lol non mainstream AP assisted TOP4, do not take the unusual way also can carry teammate

2015-08-31 14:26:08来源: 东北网

一个好辅助可以左右一局《英雄联盟》游戏走势的梗已经被说到烂,那怎样才能成为一名好辅助?用打也打不死的石头人?选能控制能击杀的风女?不不,今天要说的是那些非主流的AP辅助,他们为做好辅助,可以说不走寻常路,那么效果怎么样呢? 冰封非主流——冰霜女巫 有人说冰霜女巫-丽桑卓的技能射程...

a assistant game League of legends game trend of stem has been said rotten, that how to become a good assistant. With a dozen or not? Can choose to control can kill the wind female? No, today is to say that the non mainstream AP auxiliary, they are doing a good job, you can say that the unusual way, so what? The frozen non mainstream -- some people say Sherbet Sherbet witch witch - LISANG Zhuo range of skills...

标签: LOL