新关注 > 信息聚合 > 天赐游戏《无双西游》安卓爆发 上线首日流水破百万

天赐游戏《无双西游》安卓爆发 上线首日流水破百万

God games "unparalleled swims on the west" Android outbreak line on the first day of the water breaking millions of

2015-08-12 16:51:56来源: 不凡游戏网

在刚刚过去的China Joy期间,天赐游戏的CEO于贤文接受了众多媒体的专访,并多次提到今年的重点产品《无双西游》。 《无双西游》是天赐游戏推出的一款融合了卡牌、ARPG以及MOBA元素的3D动作手游产品。在较早前的安卓版本付费删档测试中,数据相当抢眼,这也让国内众多主流安卓渠道加...

in just the past of China joy during, god games CEO in Yin Wen accepted an exclusive interview with the media, and mentioned several times in this year's key products "unparalleled swims on the west". "Journey to the west" is a unique game launched a fusion of 3D action cards, Mobile Games products ARPG and MOBA elements. In the earlier version of the Android version of the pay cut in the test, the data is quite eye-catching, which also allows the country's many mainstream Android channel plus...

标签: 游戏 安卓