新关注 > 信息聚合 > 全新棋类手机游戏《天天象棋》 精彩对弈体验

全新棋类手机游戏《天天象棋》 精彩对弈体验

New board mobile game "every chess wonderful chess experience

2015-08-12 19:17:53来源: 4399

《天天象棋》在普通象棋游戏的基础上增加了残局挑战的元素,使得游戏更具有耐玩性,独具匠心的玩法设计也让新老玩家充分感受到对弈的乐趣,是一款传统和创意兼具的象棋手游,有兴趣的玩家不妨下载体验哦! 《天天象棋》安卓版下载地址:http://i.4399.cn/game-id-43832.ht...

daily" chess "in ordinary chess game based on increased the endgame challenge element, make the game more playable and originality of the gameplay design also let the old and new players feel full chess fun, is both a traditional and creative chess tour, players are interested may wish to download experience oh! Daily" chess "Android version download address: http://i.4399.cn/game-id-43832.ht...

标签: 游戏