新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《关门放吕布》越狱内测下周来袭


"Closed bu" jailbreak beta next week struck

2015-08-12 16:22:18来源: 18183

策略推塔手游《关门放吕布》将于下周开启iOS越狱内测!一定要抓住最后的“炫腹”机会,和吕布一起燃战三国,笑出腹肌! 由知名手游发行商——指游方寸独家代理的策略推塔手游《关门放吕布》将于下周开启iOS越狱内测,未越狱的玩家也能从游戏官网下载游戏包开心畅玩。届时还将有苹果系列壕礼等你轻松...

strategy to push hand tour of the tower the closed Lu Bu "next week open IOS jailbreak beta! We must seize the last chance, "Hyun belly" and Lv Bu burn war three laugh, abs! By the well-known travel publisher, a reference to the strategy of the exclusive agent of the confusion of the tour push tower Tour "closed Lu Bu" next week open IOS jailbreak beta, did not escape the players can also from the game's official website to download the game package enjoy. There will be a series of Apple trench ceremony you easily...