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精彩地图大曝光 九阳神功手游全新战役地图解析

Wonderful map exposed Jiuyang fascinating skills around travel new battle map analysis

2015-07-22 15:16:40来源: 不凡游戏网

在黑盒测试中,九阳神功手游战役玩法唯美的地图场景,跌宕起伏的剧情得到了玩家的喜爱。据悉,为给玩家更加有趣的游戏体验,为玩家手中的英雄团队提供阵容上的磨合和战术上的试炼。研发团队打造了全新的地图,更加精彩的战役玩法供玩家体验,以便玩家找出最适合自己个性的阵容和战术。 地图在MOBA游戏竞...

in black box testing, Jiuyang fascinating skills around tour campaign gameplay beautiful map of the scene, plot the ups and downs of the has been of favorite players. It is reported that gives the player more interesting game experience, provide a lineup of running and tactical trials for players in the hands of a team of heroes. R & D team to create a new map, more exciting game for the players to experience, so players find the most suited to their personality and tactics. Map in MOBA game...

标签: 手游