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全新的卡洛斯战场 《去吧皮卡丘》更新公告

New Carlos battlefield "go Pikachu" update call division announcement

2015-07-15 12:29:44来源: 4399

尊敬的召唤师: 我们的《去吧皮卡丘》迎来了重大更新,1.5.0新版本隆重上线,全新的卡洛斯战场将带给你不一样的游戏体验,7月15日上午8:00—12:00进行全服停机维护,更新维护时间可能会根据实际情况提前或者延后,维护期间将不能进入游戏,给您带来的不便还望谅解。 新版本《去吧皮卡丘...

respect: We "go to Pikachu" usher in a major update, the new version 1.5.0 grand on the line, the new Carlos battlefield will bring you a different game experience, July 15 morning 8: 00 - 12:00 to full service downtime for maintenance and update maintenance time may according to the actual situation in advance or delay, maintenance period will not be allowed to enter the game, to bring you the inconvenience also hope understanding. The new version of "go Picacho...