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像素RPG《条码骑士》登场 扫描条形码打造最强骑士

Pixel RPG of the barcode Knight debut scan the bar code to create the strongest Knights

2015-07-15 14:33:34来源: 任玩堂

前些日子任玩堂曾报道过,开发商 Magic Cube 将要推出一款采用扫描条形码然后进行怪物对战这种特殊玩法的像素 RPG 游戏 Barcode Knight《条码骑士》,如今游戏已经正式推出,先来看看大致玩法到底是如何的吧! 《条码骑士》是 2014 年推出的 RPG 游戏《条码王国...

a few days ago play any Ren play hall has been reported, developers magic cube will launch a use of bar code scanning and monsters to battle the special play pixel RPG barcode Knight of the bar code Knight ", and now the game has been officially launched, first to see generally played in the end is how! "Bar code" was launched in 2014 RPG game "bar code kingdom...