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精彩不断 独立游戏开发者大赛冠军出炉

Constantly exciting independent game developer contest champion released

2015-07-13 15:53:00来源: 4399

由GMGC全球移动游戏联盟主办的第三届亚洲移动游戏大会于7月9日在胡志明市隆重召开,此次大会上,除了主会场之外,其他版块的精彩也是不容错过。其中,独立游戏开发者大赛吸引了众多目光,一共有来自14个团队的作品上台竞争,最终经过评委的审核甄选,Goya Studio的《Hero Age》摘得...

by gmgc global mobile gaming League sponsored by the third session of the Asian mobile game conference was convened ceremoniously in Ho Chi Minh City on July 9, the conference, in addition to the main venue, in other sections of the wonderful also nots allow to miss. Among them, an independent game developer contest attracted many eyes, a total of from 14 team works on stage the competition, eventually after judges will review the selection, Goya studio "hero age won...

标签: 游戏