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桃花源记夏日找你妹 把熊孩子带回家

Peach Blossom Spring Summer find your sister to bear children home Sina

2015-07-09 14:36:01来源: 新浪

《桃花源记》九大夏日清凉活动引爆假日生活,让《桃花源记》与你相伴!玩转《桃花源记》公测月,带上你的小伙伴,欢度桃源缤纷暑假! 童年的夏天是最值得期待的日子,是怎么也玩不够的暑假。百吃不厌的西瓜冰激凌,绵延不绝的蝉鸣,畅快的玩水。夏季的白天很长,却还是玩得不尽兴。日薄西山,在父母的一声...

"land of peach blossoms," nine summer cool detonated holiday life, accompany with you to make the peach blossom spring. "Peach Blossom Spring" get along well with your beta, with small partners, to celebrate the colorful summer vacation in Taoyuan! The summer of the childhood is the most worth looking forward to the day, what is not enough to play during the summer vacation. Can always eat watermelon ice cream, endless cicadas, carefree water. The summer days are long, but still don't have a good time. In the twilight, the parents of a sound...