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梦幻神域金币怎么得 金币获得攻略

Dream of God domain gold to gold Raiders

2015-07-08 15:14:26来源: 4399

金币在梦幻神域游戏内的需求也是很多的,不仅装备强化,宝箱召唤需要,目前金币的获得有,每日签到,钻石兑换,任务,道具出售,副本5种途径,小编重点给大家讲2种获取办法。 1,金币可以获得最多的途径是钻石兑换,2钻石可以兑换2w金币,如果有暴击可以获得10w金币,完全划算的说,但是有兑换次...

gold coins in the dream of God domain game needs is a lot, not only equipment to strengthen, chest call need, the current gold coin is, daily attendance, diamond exchange, the task, the sale of props, copies of five kinds of ways, the key to everyone speak two access methods. 1, gold can get the most way is the diamond exchange, 2 diamonds can exchange 2W gold coins, if there is a critical strike can get 10W gold coins, completely cost-effective, but there are times...