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Moral shackles hard to break away from the limit prolapse in 3 "more details surfaced in the surface

2015-07-09 01:35:32来源: 逗游网

《极限脱出3(Zero Escape 3)》终于在上周公布了,消息一出几乎是普天同庆,毕竟总算迎来了这一恐怖又烧脑视觉系小说的第三次冒险。公布当天并未透露任何确切细节,我们只得知了这个系统以及大致的发行窗口,而且就只有这些。但当时只有这些信息大家不介意吗?当然不会啦,我们只要知道《极限脱...

the prolapse of limit 3 (zero escape 3), finally in the last week announced, a message almost is celebrate. After all, finally ushered in the terrorist and burned cerebral visual novel the third Adventure. Released the same day did not disclose any exact details, we had to cicada this system and general release window, and only these. But at that time, only the information you do not mind? Of course not, we just know "the ultimate"...