新关注 > 信息聚合 > WCA2015中国区资格赛-狼蛛与你一起


Waiting WCA2015 China zone qualifying - tarantula and you together

2015-07-08 18:59:21来源: 中关村在线

呵呵,久等了吧,小编继续带大家放眼上海WCA2015中国区资格赛最精彩的时刻-->决战来袭,狼蛛作为本次大赛唯一指定专供品牌,而机械鬼王混光版伴着一群患难与共的兄弟,行走在游戏云穿雾绕的山巅之中,这阵势可想而知。 (专注比赛的选手) (WCG2009魔兽争霸3项目世界冠军INFI再...

Oh, Xiao Bian to take everyone to look at Shanghai WCA2015 China qualifying match most splendid moment -- > battle struck, tarantula the contest as the only designated specifically for the brand, and mechanical ghost mixed light is accompanied by a group of sharing weal and woe's brother, walking in the cloud gaming through the fog around the mountain tops, this battle can be imagined. (focus on the game player) (WCG2009 world champion INFI 3 item world champion...