新关注 > 信息聚合 > 世嘉检讨失去玩家信任 东京展或公开新项目

世嘉检讨失去玩家信任 东京展或公开新项目

Sega review of losing players trust exhibition in Tokyo or open a new project

2015-07-08 16:20:02来源: 07073游戏网

“上个世纪九十年代的世嘉是以它的品牌质量而闻名于世,但是在那之后,我们曾经失去了玩家的信任”--世嘉飒美里间治 在经历了《异形:殖民军》(Aliens: Colonial Marines)与《索尼克:音爆》(Sonic Boom,暂译)等一系列重大失误之后,世嘉公司在产品质量方面进行...

"Sega nineties of the last century, is famous for its brand quality, but after that. We've lost the players trust - Sega SA beauty parlour treatment experienced Aliens: colonial army" (Aliens: of Colonial Marines) and Sonic the hedgehog, sonic boom "(sonic boom, provisional translation), and so on a series of major mistakes, Sega in the quality of the products are in...

标签: 玩家