新关注 > 信息聚合 > 一起让IP飞 第二届中国国际IP大会隆重召开

一起让IP飞 第二届中国国际IP大会隆重召开

Together let IP fly the second session of the China international IP conference was held

2015-06-30 12:12:51来源: 天极网


2015 in June 29,, by the China audio and Digital Publishing Association guidance, the number of Chinese Music Association game Committee, Zhejiang newspaper media, text reading group, China Mobile goo Mi mutual entertainment, Borui dissemination, Hainan Ecological Software Park, smart Ruixiang, immediately Kunlun, China game industry network jointly organized the China international IP conference at the Beijing International Convention Center is held ceremoniously. This conference to "let IP fly together" as the theme, a total of more than 500 from government departments, travel...