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《轩辕传奇2》首位传奇城主诞生 限量尊享手办曝光

"Xuanyuan legend 2," the first legendary Santo birth limited respect enjoy boxart exposure

2015-06-30 00:01:56来源: 电玩巴士

《轩辕传奇2》年度主题“我是传奇”计划之传奇城主篇章圆满落幕,2大赛区争锋,27强血盟角逐,数百位精英对阵,近千场激烈PK,第一届传奇城主花落琅琊台“情檥ノ堂”。尽享至尊荣誉,收获限量黄金手办,更有星光大道铺就专属于冠军的传奇荣誉圣殿,传奇属于你! 风云际会 王者终称雄 第一届传...

"Xuanyuan legend 2" of the annual theme of "I am legend" plan of the legendary Santo chapter ended, 2 contest area commander, 27 strong blood league competition, hundreds of elite against, nearly a thousand fierce PK, first legendary Santo flowers fall Langyatai "feeling Yi of hall". Enjoy supreme honor, harvest limits gold figurine. More paved xingguangdadao exclusively belong to the champion of the temple legend honor legend belong to you! The king eventually rule the roost in the first pass...