新关注 > 信息聚合 > 买试玩送游戏 盘点玩家被逼“买珠还椟”的大作

买试玩送游戏 盘点玩家被逼“买珠还椟”的大作

The demo to buy send the game players are forced to "buy pearl also casket" masterpiece

2015-06-22 11:53:16来源: 逗游网


not know from when to start, to buy a brand new game or cold food works extra gifts in the company's next is not available for sale in the demo version has become the industry norm, bitch se from the card to Sony and Microsoft, this "buy demo to send the game" bundling strategies simply allowing the player to drunk yuxianyusi inventory. Buy it, the game itself is also not particularly interested in, do not buy it, see the demo and wanted to experience the first. The manufacturer is figured out the game player's hearts...

标签: 游戏 玩家