新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《消逝的光芒2》新片段公布 2021年发售

《消逝的光芒2》新片段公布 2021年发售

New episode of "lost light 2" released in 2021

2021-03-18 12:54:16来源: 游戏时光

Techland 在昨晚带来了一段《消逝的光芒2》最新实机,并确认游戏会在 2021 年内推出,来看看新片段(2:10 秒开始)吧:视频地址在视频中,制作组表示听到了大家对本作的强烈渴望,他们需要时间来把游戏打磨到期望的水平,所有人都在拼命制作来让大家玩到停不下来。希望能得到大家的信任,尤其是在疫情这种艰难时刻。,请大家再耐心等待一会。

Last night, techland brought the latest live video of "lost light 2" and confirmed that the game will be launched in 2021. Take a look at the new video (2:10) Video address: in the video, the production team said that they heard everyone's strong desire for this work, they need time to polish the game to the expected level, and everyone is working hard to make it so that everyone can't stop playing. I hope we can get everyone's trust, especially in this difficult time of epidemic situation. Please be patient for a while.