新关注 > 信息聚合 > Epic与苹果之争:悄悄变化的风向


Epic vs. Apple: the changing wind direction

2021-03-15 15:46:14来源: 触乐

去年8月,围绕热门游戏《堡垒之夜》,Epic Games与苹果、谷歌展开了一场战争:Epic以苹果和安卓应用商店抽成过高为理由,指责苹果与谷歌对应用程序征收“平台税”。苹果与谷歌的反击十分简单粗暴——下架《堡垒之夜》,苹果更是进一步终止了Epic开发者账户,禁止Epic使用iOS与Mac开发工具。 此后,Epic与苹果展开了长时间的诉讼与反诉讼。Epic起诉苹果强迫开发商使用其支付系统违反反垄断法,苹果则反诉Epic“违约”,要求他们赔偿对苹果造成的损失。 苹果App Store下架《堡垒之夜》后,Epic立刻发布了模仿苹果的《1984》广告,直指苹果“屠龙者终成恶龙” 一方是全球最热门的游戏之一,另一方是手握制

In August last year, Epic Games launched a war with apple and Google over the popular game fortress night: Epic accused apple and Google of levying & amp; quot; platform tax & amp; quot; on apps for the reason that apple and android app stores were overcharged;. Apple and Google's counterattack is very simple and crude & amp; mdash; & amp; mdash; take fortress night off the shelves. Apple further terminated epic's developer account and banned epic from using IOS and MAC development tools.

标签: 苹果