新关注 > 信息聚合 > 筱原健太定格动画新作:春丽的眼泪不可信


Kenda Shinohara's new freeze frame animation: Chunli's tears are not believable

2021-03-15 10:19:37来源: 游戏时光

日本定格动画家筱原健太又公布了自己的最新作品,这次依旧是《街头霸王》角色“暴打红牛罐”系列,而且出阵的角色是我们大家都非常喜欢的春丽。动画中红牛罐被春丽一套连招打至半血以下,竟然升级成了“绿罐”,眼看不敌对手将要落败的春丽用出了自己压箱底的技巧“假哭”,最后一招制敌! 视频地址定格动画是通过逐格地拍摄对象然后使之连续放映,从而产生流畅的画面。制作一个定格动画的工作量非常大,不到一分钟的视频可能会是作者好几周的辛勤付出。 制作过程

Japanese freeze frame animator Kenda Shinohara has released her latest works. This time, it is still the series of "beating the red bull can" in "street bully", and the role we all like is Chunli. In the animation, the red bull can is beaten to less than half blood by Chunli's series of moves, and is upgraded to "green can". Seeing that her opponent is about to lose, Chunli uses her own skill of pressing the bottom of the box to "fake cry" and finally takes the last move to defeat the enemy! &Amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; video address freeze frame animation is to take pictures of objects one by one, and then make them continuously projected, so as to produce a smooth picture. It's a lot of work to make a freeze frame animation. A video in less than a minute may be the author's hard work for several weeks. &Amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; production process