新关注 > 信息聚合 > 震天动地,《太鼓达人》20周年纪念视频公开


Earth shaking video of the 20th anniversary of "Taigu talent" released

2021-03-15 15:22:54来源: 游戏时光

万代南梦宫今日公开了旗下知名音游《太鼓达人》系列的 20 周年纪念视频,视频回顾了系列自 2001 年发售以来推出的所有作品,经历过的重要节点以及取得的成就。视频地址《太鼓达人》系列在街机上起家,登陆过许多平台;它的玩法简单,老少咸宜,但同时也有高难度挑战,能满足不同群体的游玩需求,是一款非常流行和出色的音乐游戏。1 分 46 秒的视频,有你的回忆在里面吗?

Wandai Nanmeng Palace today released the 20th Anniversary Video of its famous music tour "Taigu Daren" series. The video reviews all the works of the series since it was released in 2001, the important nodes it has experienced and the achievements it has made. Video address "Taigu Daren" series started on the arcade and has landed on many platforms. Its playing method is simple and suitable for young and old, but it also has high difficulty challenges. It can meet the playing needs of different groups. It is a very popular and excellent music game. 1 minute 46 second video, do you have your memories in it?

标签: 视频